“Focus on the solution, not on the problem*

Focusing on your weaknesses keeps your attention on the negative and leads to low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence remains when you aren’t deterred by a missed shot or by not having your A game. When you are confident, you are able to let mishits go, remain calm, and focus your energy on the next shot.

Develop self-confidence

What exactly is self-confidence? It is an inner feeling of certainty about who you are and what you can do.

Developing self-confidence begins off the golf course. You must believe before you can achieve. As your confidence builds, you move from “I’ll try it,” to “I think I can do this,” to “I know I can hit the shot,” or break 90 or whatever you desire. As you focus your attention on believing in your ability, you move toward your goal and become more confident as your skills improve.

Self-confidence is a product of the way you view yourself. If your view of yourself is positive, you feel good about yourself whether you had a good round or a bad round. Make a point to notice the way you talk to yourself on and off the course. Replace negative thoughts with thoughts that can boost your self-confidence. For example, say to yourself “I have hit this shot dozens of times before and I can do it again now,” rather than “I need to hit this shot close for a birdie to make up for the double on the last hole.”

This state of knowing is accomplished by constantly reminding yourself of what you do well. Think about it often.

The more you think about creating what you want, the easier it becomes. Use imagery that depicts yourself as being prepared, in control, confident, having fun, and swinging easily and effortlessly. When you focus on your swing fault or game weaknesses or why you can’t hit a shot, it becomes difficult. Focus instead on your strengths. The verbal, visual, and feeling images in your mind form your self-image and self-confidence. World-class golfers constantly repeat their affirming, positive self-talk. They practice these images over and over again in their minds until the image is automatically accepted. Caddies for pro tour golfers also remind their players of what they can do and have done successfully.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 16; Confidence, “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances” now available on www.createspace.com/6307102

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